
Our team is dedicated to assisting you in achieving a healthier lifestyle. Consulting with a nutrition specialist will allow you to receive personalized recommendations and a tailored plan to help you reach your goals for enhanced health and well-being.

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Uncertain about proceeding with a consultation, why not begin with a complimentary 15-minute discovery call? This opportunity allows you to team up with a highly skilled nutrition expert who will provide guidance during the call. Together, you can address your health concerns and discover the numerous benefits of a personalized nutrition plan in achieving your wellness goals.

Regular price $175.00
Sale price $175.00 Regular price
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This consultation includes, but is not limited to: an overall health assessment, comprehensive review of your health history, review of lab tests if available, physical assessment, dietary analysis, discussion of goals, written recommendations, as well as educational materials.

During your initial consultation, your nutritionist will:

  • Address your health concerns
  • Discuss your health goals
  • Review your current health and medical history
  • Assess your diet and lifestyle habits
  • Discuss your goals
  • Go over your lab results
  • Make recommendations for additional lab tests, if necessary
  • Check for drug/nutrient interactions or depletions
  • Provide a personalized nutrition and lifestyle plan based on your well being goals
Regular price $225.00
Sale price $225.00 Regular price
Unit price
  • Follow up appointments are accountability check-in on progress. You and your practitioner will continue to explore your unique physiology and lifestyle to further understand and support accordingly.
  • These follow-up sessions provide a valuable opportunity for you and your dedicated practitioner to delve further into the intricacies of your progress in achieving your health and lifestyle goals. By delving deeper into these aspects, the aim is to foster a deeper understanding of your unique needs and circumstances.
  • This comprehensive exploration allows for the development of tailored strategies and support systems that are specifically designed to address your individual requirements, ultimately empowering you to achieve optimal well-being and progress towards your health goals.